Monday, March 19, 2012


Sound is like a painting in your ears,
that flourishes like a rose.
And rhythm is like the heart beat,
that pulses the song.
Music is as perfect as a human body.
And when the music stops,
life stops.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Deception in Dreams
Did you ever experience a dream that felt real? In the movie Inception, this is where your questions will be answered. Inception has a lot of complicated details that involve many concepts like the music that ties in with the crazy special effects, and with all of that concludes with beautiful acting. Any Sci-Fi movie loving person should watch Inception because of the special effects, acting, rising action, and soundtrack.
The most visual aspect of why Sci-Fi movie loving people should watch the movie, because the special effects are amazing. Special effects are important in a movie like this because the main goal is to attract the viewer by making cool effects.  The scene 01:55:02-01:57:06 is where they fall into the fourth level of the dream. In that dream there were buildings that were falling and there was a lot of them. The two characters woke up on the shore of an ocean and they saw a bunch of falling buildings. The reason this was very visual was because it looked real, and that makes the movie more loved by the viewers. To see more super awesome special effects Sci-Fi movie loving people should watch Inception.
Along with special effects, the good acting in Inception is another reason Sci-Fi movie loving people should watch Inception, because of the acting. The reason acting was one of the reasons why people should watch this movie is because it was very believable, is supported in this scene 01:18:59-01:21:52. This was a heartbreaking scene because his wife committed suicide because she thought that she was in a dream. He was really struggling to make her understand that she wasn't dreaming. The acting was very believable, like when he was crying because his wife killed herself. This is another reason why Sci-Fi movie loving people should watch Inception because the acting made you feel as though it’s a true story.
The rising action was another reason Sci-Fi movie loving people should watch Inception, because it has great Sci-Fi intense movie action. One scene in particular, the viewer may experience a "what just happened?" moment. The scene 01:05:25-01:06:39, was when the main character Cobbs sees a train that was part of his memory in the dream. That was not supposed to happen with the plan that they had thought of. This has some good rising action, because the main characters memory became involved with the mission they had to accomplish. If you love intense rising actions leading to exciting climaxes you should watch Inception.
A final reason why Sci-Fi movie loving people should watch the Inception, is from the awesome soundtrack. Track #3 and #12 are some good examples of excitement or gives the feeling of adrenaline. Track #3 had made the feeling of an adrenaline rush, like when your playing a sport and you get pumped to win the game. Track #12 was the heart of all the soundtracks, and it gave you a feeling of happiness. The soundtrack mainly makes you feel the movie in a much broader way. This was the last reason why Sci-Fi movie lovers should watch Inception, because of the beautiful music from the soundtrack, and how it makes the movie have more feeling.
Any Sci-Fi movie loving person should watch Inception because of the special effects, acting, rising action, and soundtrack. The special effects were crazy real looking. The acting was believable. The rising action was really thought through, and well made. The soundtrack was breath chilling. For all of these reasons that have been clarified, you should watch it.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Space is Dangerous
If you think about it, space is a place where there are different physical rules. Everything that is from planet earth,  is in danger of being released out into space without any spacesuits. Space is dangerous to joke around with because of the rising action, conflict, symbol, and resolution of the story The Cold Equations.
One way to see how space can kill you if you've never been there is the rising action “Later? this is highly irregular...then we’ll do it in a highly irregular manner-you’ll hear the disk first. The subject is a girl and she’s listening to everything that’s said. Are you capable of understanding that?”(14-15). This part of the story shows how space is really a different law and there is no way of changing that. Rising action also shows how space is dangerous. That's why space is dangerous to joke around with because of the rising action, conflict, symbol, and resolution of the story The Cold Equations. So now you see what has happened in the rising action, can also kill you.
The conflict is another unfair thing to life in this story is you will have to accept death when you don't want to.“No, your joking-your insane! You cant meant it!...But you can’t-if you make me leave the ship, I'll die”(14). The conflict automatically shows how it’s unfair to life that this girl wants to see her brother and she will have to die because space has different laws of life. This is  another reason why space is dangerous to joke around with because of the rising action, conflict, symbol, and resolution of the story The Cold Equations.
Another way The Cold Equations shows that space is dangerous is from the symbol. That western sea was on planet Woden, Woden-[Odin] (The name Odin is associated with war, battle, victory, and death. All is from Norse Mythology.) “...Group II was eight thousand mile across western sea...”(12). This portrays the incredible symbol associated with the story and how the planet, basically equals death.This also shows that the whole point of the story was I guess, about death, and how no one can survive the infinite frontier. This was another way the Cold Equations has shown in the symbol that space is dangerous.  
The final way that space could be Dangerous is stated in this quote. She was basically dying, she was being jettisoned and she was saying her good-byes to her brother. The resolution of the story is quite sad, because she knows that shes dying, but her brother just found out about that. He (Gerry Cross) is going to live his life knowing that his sister died, that’s just frightening to hear, but it’s true. Of course this story isn't real, but this could happen, and that would be really horrifying. “I wanted to see you...Don’t feel like that. Don’t let me go knowing you feel like that-----.”(26). Space is dangerous to joke around with because of the rising action, conflict, symbol, and resolution of the story The Cold Equations.
Space is dangerous to joke around with because of the rising action, conflict, symbol, and resolution of the story The Cold Equations. The rising action was very emotion driven. The conflict was breath-chilling. The symbol was very easy to understand why it was in the story. The resolution is heart-felt. For all of these reasons you should understand space is dangerous in The Cold Equations.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Around 20%-30% of parents actually make their kids learn how to play a certain instrument, or learn the music theory. A lot of kids know how to listen to music and not interpret or learn something new about the song, or the actual music genre. If parents made their kids learn the music theory, the HSPE score would have improved dramatically, and parents would have less headaches with their kids failing a class, or a subject. It’s said that if you made your kids listen to classical music, that would actually make them smarter, and like I said...less “F ‘s”. So parents, I think that you should have to tell your kids at  young age that the should listen to music. I was born in Vancouver, WA on 9/22/95. I have been interested in music all of my life, and I have always been trying my hardest to learn the most that I could about music and sound.
There was a time in my life where I didn't care about music, and I was against my parents and telling them that I didn't care about music. The only thing was that when I didn't want to be involved in music, I still listened to it without my parents knowing that I did. The only reason why I didn't want to learn music was because the teachers that I had were very strict, and I didn't understand how you could be taught music with a serious mindset of perfect music.
So, angry and mad, I  had stopped wanting to learn how to play music. That was a time of depression, and fear of never learning music the right way, the way of happiness in the heart! Then only sadness struck me, and no one would understand me. Then I thought of something that would make me happier in life, and I thought that if I had a “girl-friend” that would make me feel better. Her name was Marie, she was just an average girl I met at a party. We became good friends, started to talk about each other. Then I asked her out, we dated for a few months. I thought that she was the right one for me, she was beautiful, then what happened to me was the only thing I feared. She met another person without me knowing anything. Then she told me she doesn't love me anymore, and she broke up with me, and that was when my heart sank lower than the ground beneath me. So again I went back into depression, and had nothing that would make me happy.
One day when I was in church, and it was a new church we started to attend. The sermon had struck me deep in the heart, and I realized that the only way I would have happiness in music was if I centered it in God. I don't know if you reading this believe what I believe, but that's what happened to me.
Sometime after the day of that sermon I brought my life to Christ, and now I was a child of the God who had saved me from the depressing state. Now I was living a better life then I was living, and for two years I didn't think about music.
Then one day I decided I should sit down and try to play the piano again. I went and I sat down at the piano I had at my house, and I started playing the way I have never played before, and then I stopped. I haven't felt that before, and then I lost it.
So my mom, her name was Irina. She was finishing up in the kitchen after she left the kitchen tired and sleepy. She saw me struggling with making up music, came in and told me, “ You should find a song that you really like and learn it and play it. Then you’ll learn to teach yourself how to play any instrument you want to play.” After that I got so excited, and I found a song that I would like to play and I successfully played it. The song was from a band called “the Hush Sound” the song was called “You are the Moon.” When I learned it, it felt as though I had snow falling on me, when it was only the “goose bumps.” That was the best song experience I’ve ever had. The thing is that piano was the hardest instrument of all. You had to put more expression into it so it could be played on, and now I seem to now know how powerful it should feel.
So parents, I think that you should have to tell your kids at  young age that the should listen to music. After that day I would be able to learn how to play piano, guitar, drums, and eventually start being a composer. That's my story about how I learned the way to play music, what’s yours? So you see parents, I think this should leave with the thought of, “should your kids understand music to the fullest”? Because I don't think it’s a good idea if they learn on their own.